Commercial Sales Training
Welcome CleanBoss Pro Sales Agents to your one-stop shop for all of your selling needs.
Sales FAQs
How do I get samples?
Please email [email protected] with all sample requests, including the opportunity and the products needed.
How do I describe what pricing will be for an interested end user?
Please email [email protected] with this question, including the opportunity, the distributor the end user will purchase from, and the products the end user is interested in.
How do I get a price list for a distributor?
Please email [email protected] this question, including the distributor’s name, distributor’s address, which products distributor is interested in, and the estimated monthly volume for each.
Please note, pricing provided by Kyle will be confidential, and may be shared only with the distributor listed on the pricing sheet.
Sales Brochures
In this section, you will have all of your approved sales brochures, along with an explanation of when to use them.
Introduction & Overview
DownloadThis brochure introduces CleanBoss Pro to any new potential customer, and should be used in combination with our Product List Brochure in initial reach outs.

Master Product List
DownloadThis brochure lists all of our categories and products, and should be used in combination with our Overview Brochure in initial reach outs.

Botanical Disinfectant
QuickMixPro Concentrates
Carpet & Upholstry
Floor Shine & Stripper
Fruit & Veggie Wash
Email Help
How do I sign into my email for the first time?
Go to website “”. For email, enter your email address (e.g., [email protected]), and enter your password.
How do I reset my password on my email?
Please email [email protected] to have a temporary password assigned.
How do I email all of the CleanBossPro Sales Agents at once?
Emailing “[email protected]” will send your email to all CleanBossPro Sales Agents.
Netsuite Help
How do I sign into my Netsuite account for the first time?
How do I reset my Netsuite Password?
How do I get a list of my open opportunities in Netsuite?
How do I create a new opportunity in Netsuite?
How do I log an email, phone call, or in person conversation in Netsuite?